We invest in innovation and innovate the world of investment
About the fundnd
At PRIME FUND SICAV, we specialize in investing in innovation. At the same time, we emphasize ESG values. We help fulfill the global ambitions of established technology companies that can change the world for the better with their innovations.
Jan Svoboda & Dušan Moskaliev(founding partners of the fund)
Investment strategy
The world around us is changing

The world around us is dynamically changing. In many areas, changes are desirable because they increase their efficiency or create new possibilities. The main drivers of these changes are modern technologies. Recently, the development is accelerating the development of artificial intelligence. However, there are also areas for which radical changes are a serious threat. We are talking about the climate and the environment.

and sustainability

At PRIME FUND SICAV, we strive to contribute to maintaining the very delicate balance between development and sustainability. That is why we invest in companies that push progress forward, but at the same time ensure that their innovations are created and operate with maximum respect for nature and society. We focus primarily on established companies that have already proven their quality and are now seeking to expand globally.

Technological trends
Expected year-on-year growth of the global AI market
Increase in contracts won in case of ESG benefit
European eCommerce revenueto 2025 in EUR
Increased investment in cloud technology security within 3 years

Our free market analysts are constantly looking for interesting investment opportunities, most often in the CEE region. However, part of the companies also get into the PRIME FUND SICAV from our own resources. The PRIME FUND investment group also includes the private investment project PRIME FUND Lab, which focuses on supporting start-up companies.

When projects from the PRIME FUND Lab manage to meet pre-defined key criteria, we are happy to continue supporting them within the PRIME FUND SICAV as well.

For us, it is authoritative that we know the companies in question well. The founders, in turn, appreciate that other investors do not join the established management in investment rounds.

Ing. Dušan Moskaliev

founding partner
Why invest
PRIME FUND SICAV is intended for qualified investors who expect a stable development of their investments independent of economic fluctuations, and at the same time appreciate the potential for above-standard returns thanks to our know-how and strategy using exclusive opportunities in the field of new technologies and innovations with a focus on ESG.
Open-ended fond
Open-ended fond

Unlike classic VC funds, our fund allows you to invest and expand the portfolio continuously.

Portfolio diversification
Portfolio diversification

By diversifying our portfolio, we reduce investment risks.

Growth potential

Companies focused on innovation have interesting growth potential. Their sales have increased manifold over the past 20 years.

Long-standing know-how

Our people have competence and know-how both in the field of new technologies, IT and innovation, as well as in the field of financial management, private equity, as well as marketing and media.

Focus on ESG innovation
Focus on ESG innovation

ESG innovations are and will be drivers of the required environmental and social changes. Investors are increasingly putting capital into companies that contribute to them.

What are ESG innovations?
The term "ESG innovation" refers to innovations that contribute to the improvement of technologies, processes or communication across disciplines. The key is that they simultaneously have a positive impact on the environment and sustainability or promote fair conditions in the social or corporate sphere.

Inspirujeme budoucí generace

Minulý týden náš CEO Martin Hudos společně se Stanislavem Hájkem z Plant Consulting přednášeli studentům třetího ročníku Vysoké školy ekonomické v Praze na téma Project Portfolio Management.


Jak se investuje 180 miliard korun?

SMART MONEY je nový pořad od FocusOn.cz, který přináší exkluzivní rozhovory a pohledy na investice. V prvním díle vyzpovídal náš partner fondu Dušan Moskaliev předsedu představenstva společnosti Conseq Investment Management, a.s., pana Richarda Siudu.


Jak se investuje 180 miliard korun?

SMART MONEY je nový pořad od FocusOn.cz, který přináší exkluzivní rozhovory a pohledy na investice. V prvním díle vyzpovídal náš partner fondu Dušan Moskaliev předsedu představenstva společnosti Conseq Investment Management, a.s., pana Richarda Siudu.


Meet&Deal – Networking v plném proudu

Zatímco většina událostí a marketingových akcí staví na pevném programu, který doplňuje networking, Meet&Deal přináší zcela jiný koncept. Tato akce je navržena tak, že její hlavní těžiště leží právě v networkingu – navázání nových kontaktů a spoluprácí je tím, co z ní dělá jedinečnou příležitost.

Our partners
Depository of the fund
Valution and reporting
Statutary body
For download
PRIME FUND PRIME HOUSE Křižíkova 30, Praha 8 – Karlín
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